EPR Toolbox

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is a key concept for ‘closing the loop’ in the packaging value chain. The EPR Toolbox is a collection of internationally relevant knowledge on the topic of EPR for packaging. Its aim is to promote knowledge exchange and enhance development of EPR systems worldwide. The EPR Toolbox contains detailed training materials on EPR, practical country examples and a set of FAQs.

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This module addresses the general aspects of EPR systems for packaging and specifically covers roles and responsibilities in the packaging value chain, the establishment of a producer responsibility organisation (PRO), a register, financial flows and a legal framework.

This module discusses the collection and sorting of packaging waste and focuses on the integration of the informal sector, incentive methods for citizens and the establishment of a deposit system.

This module provides answers to the questions of how to ensure high-quality recycling, how to improve the recyclability of packaging and how to increase the market demand for recycled plastics.

Factsheet 00

Preface, introduction, glossary, overview of factsheets and key readings

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Factsheet 01

How can roles and responsibilities in packaging value chains be defined?

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Factsheet 02

How can a PRO be established?

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Factsheet 03

How can financial flows be managed, and fees and payments be set?

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Factsheet 04

How can a register of obliged companies be established?

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Factsheet 05

How can a regulatory framework be designed?

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Factsheet 06

How can the collection of packaging waste be organised?

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Factsheet 07

How can sorting procedures for packaging waste be organised?

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Factsheet 08

How can the informal sector be involved and recognised for a Just Transition?

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Factsheet 09

How can citizens be incentivised to separate packaging waste at source?

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Factsheet 10

How can deposit refund systems be set up?

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Factsheet 11

How can high-quality recycling be ensured?

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Factsheet 12

How can the recyclability of packaging be increased?

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Factsheet 13

How can the market demand for recycled plastics be increased?

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Video Library: EPR Explained

Several experts have shared their knowledge in a number of interviews. This video series briefly summarises the content of the EPR Toolbox and adds experiences from professionals in the field.


What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?


How can a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) be established?


How can financial flows be managed, and fees and payments be set?


How can a register of obliged companies be established?


How can framework conditions be designed?


How can the collection of packaging waste be organised?


How can sorting procedures for packaging waste be organised?


How can the informal sector get involved in the system?


How can citizens be incentivised to separate packaging waste at source?


How can deposit refund systems be set up?


How is the deposit refund system set up in Germany?


How can high-quality recycling be ensured?


How can the recyclability of packaging be increased?


How can the market demand for recycled plastics be increased?



What is Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)?


How can a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) be established?


How can financial flows be managed, and fees and payments be set?


How can a register of obliged companies be established?


How can framework conditions be designed?


How can the collection of packaging waste be organised?


How can sorting procedures for packaging waste be organised?


How can the informal sector get involved in the system?


How can citizens be incentivised to separate packaging waste at source?


How can deposit refund systems be set up?


How is the deposit refund system set up in Germany?


How can high-quality recycling be ensured?


How can the recyclability of packaging be increased?


How can the market demand for recycled plastics be increased?

Additional Resources

Background Document

The Background Document gives an overview on the compatibility of different waste management approaches in regards to a Mandatory Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme: “cash for trash”, municipal waste fees, plastic credits and CO2 taxes.

FAQ on EPR systems

The FAQs provide detailed answers to 38 questions concerning the most important aspects of EPR systems.


Country Reports

These reports present examples of EPR systems in various countries. The different cases demonstrate the legal backgrounds and objectives as well as the historical contexts.

Translations of the EPR Toolbox

So far, the EPR Toolbx has been translated to Bahasa Indonesia, Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese.


The PREVENT Waste Alliance would like to thank the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) for the funding of the EPR Toolbox, the committed parties from Indonesia and Ghana as well as the following persons involved: Mr. Helmut Schmitz, Dr. Jochen Hertlein, Mr. Uwe Kleinert, Ms. Christina Jäger, Ms. Patricia Schröder, Dr. Burkhard Berninger, Dr. Thomas Fischer, Ms. Simone Walter, Dr. Andreas Jaron, Mr. Thomas Schuldt and Dr. Bernhard Bauske.